Welcome to my panorama site! I intend to publish all my panorama pictures I've taken in the last years. Most of the pictures are taken with my small Olympus digital camera. Read more about my camera here.

I created a program to view the panorama pictures. When you use this program, it seems you're there yourself. Download the viewer here.
A much more complete panorama viewer is WPanorama. You can find WPanorama here.

Read my travel journal at BallOfDirt.com.

All pictures are copyright by Jacco Eerland and may not be used without permission from the author. If you have any questions or remarks, please mail me:

Other sites containing beautiful pictures can be found in the links section on this and other pages.

Tenerife (E)
Elba (I)

Samos (Gr)

Tschagguns - Montafon (A)

Corsica - Corse (F)

Toscane - Toscana (I)

Elzas - Alsace (F)
Switserland - Zwitserland
Trentino (I)
Cinque Terre (I)


Signum Digitaal rapport voor de basisschool

Bladmuziek - Sheetmusic

Jacco Eerland